The CalFresh Healthy Living, UC program provides evidence-based nutrition, physical activity and garden-based education to California youth. The curricula listed below are the youth curricula most commonly used by the CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Programs. Descriptions and links for obtaining or ordering the curriculum are listed below.
For the full breakdown of which evaluation tools are recommended for use with each curriculum, please refer to the FFY 2024 Recommended Evaluation Tools and SMART Objectives.
Early Childhood Learn, Grow, Eat and Go!
- (Pre-K) Early Childhood Learn, Grow, Eat and Go! is an easy to implement garden-based curriculum for teachers working with early childhood students from head start through kindergarten. This 4-week curriculum combines the best of plant and garden learning, food exposure, brain- and body-boosting physical activities and parental engagement.
Go Glow Grow
(Pre-K) The Go Glow Grow curriculum is designed to meet the specific needs and
abilities of preschoolers. It provides opportunities for younger children to actively learn about healthy eating and exercise. Research tells us that the early years are especially important for establishing habits that will last a lifetime. Encouraging healthy eating and ample physical activity during the preschool years will have long-term benefits. Through this curriculum preschoolers will make the connection between eating healthy foods and being able to Go, Glow and Grow. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum.
Happy Healthy Me

(Pre-K-K) Happy Healthy Me... Moving, Munching, and Reading Around MyPlate is a nutrition and literacy curriculum that helps 4-6 year old children become aware of food and nutrition by reading storybooks with food-related themes and then participating in hands-on nutrition education and physical activities. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum.
Eating Healthy from Farm to Fork

(Grades K-2) Eating Healthy from Farm to Fork ... Promoting School Wellness is a nutrition education curriculum that makes the connection between local food systems, garden-based learning, school food service and the establishment of healthy habits. The lessons actively engage the children in learning about healthy choices for food and fitness.
Eat and Play Together!
- (Grades 1-3) Eat and Play Together! is a nutrition and physical activity curriculum for 6-8 year old children and significant adults in the children’s lives. Participants become aware of how healthy snacks and fun physical activity contribute to overall health. The curriculum is designed for child-adult pairs to learn about nutrition and fitness while having fun together. Child-adult, known as buddies, participate in all activities as a team. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum.
My Amazing Body
(Grade 1) My Amazing Body is a nutrition curriculum for students to learn about the amazing things their body can do and explore how they can keep their amazing bodies healthy through eating nutrient-rich foods, getting plenty of exercise and sleep, and practicing good hygiene. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum.
Good for Me and You
(Grade 2) Good for Me and You is a nutrition curriculum that allows students to explore what is good for a healthy body and lifestyle, study My Plate, and are introduces to the concept of nutrients and what they do for their bodies. They learn that eating breakfast every day, drinking healthy beverages, exercising and keeping food safe to eat all are good to their body. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum.
It's My Choice...Eat Right! Be Active!
(Grade 3) It's My Choice...Eat Right! Be Active! is a nutrition curriculum where students examine the key nutrients provided by each of the five food groups of MyPlate and learn how to make healthy choices. They identify how vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and proteins provide the essential building blocks needed for good health. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum.
Learn, Grow, Eat, & Go!
- (Grades 2-5) Learn, Grow, Eat and Go! is an easy to implement garden-based curriculum for teachers working with 2nd – 5th grade students. This interdisciplinary curriculum combines academic achievement, gardening, nutrition experiences, physical activity, and school and family engagement.
Let's Eat Healthy Curriculum by Dairy Council of California
(Grades K-12) Since 1919, Dairy Council of California has been an innovator in nutrition education and the dairy industry’s contribution to community health. We produce balanced nutrition education programs and resources, which are free in California, for schools, health professionals’ offices and workplace wellness programs. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum.
(Grades K-8 and Family-Centered) Teams With Inter-Generational Support focuses on gardening and how the foods we grow are used in our bodies as building blocks and energy providers. Students from kindergarten through eighth grade are given the tools to plant and care for a garden. This curriculum is flexible and the lessons can easily be used in a classroom, after-school program, or club. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum.
Serving Up MyPlate
(Grades 1-6) Serving Up MyPlate is a new collection of classroom materials that helps elementary school teachers integrate nutrition education into Math, Science, English Language Arts, and Health. This yummy curriculum introduces the importance of eating from all five food groups using the MyPlate icon and a variety of hands–on activities. Students also learn the importance of physical activity to staying healthy. Visit the Team Nutrition Web site to learn more.
Nutrition to Grow On 
(Grades 4-5) Nutrition to Grow On is an innovative curriculum that offers teachers a direct link between the garden and nutrition education. Nine lessons are designed to teach children and their families about nutrition by relating each lesson to a garden activity. The curriculum uses the garden to integrate disciplines, including science, mathematics, language arts, history, environmental studies, nutrition and health, while reinforcing the California academic content standards. This is a free, downloadable resource. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum.
Power Play! 
(Grades 4-5) Power Play! encourages students to eat fruits and vegetables every day and gives creative ways for the students to successfully do so. Children at this age are assuming more responsibility for their own health and well-being. Power Play is designed to maximize learning using integrative and fun activities and taste-testing to hold the interest of this age group. Visit the 4th Grade & 5th Grade School Idea & Resource Kit to learn more.
(Grades 4-6) Healthalicious promotes a healthy lifestyle in students by encouraging the intake of nutrient rich foods and physical activity. The lessons provide students with a fun introduction to preparing and eating healthy meals. This curriculum can be used in the afterschool setting with 4th -6th grade students and with programs such as 4-H. It may also be used as a family centered curriculum when teaching children and their parents or caretakers about nutrition and physical activity.
Shaping Healthy Choices Program (Grades 4-6)
Discovering Healthy Choices is a learner-centered, garden-enhanced nutrition curriculum that was developed for the Nutrition Education & Promotion component of the Shaping Healthy Choices Program. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum.
Cooking Up Healthy Choices is a learner-centered curriculum of cooking demonstrations that highlight seasonal produce and allows students to observe cooking techniques, deepen understanding of nutrition concepts, and experience recipes using all five senses
Healthy Choices in Motion allows students to explore a comprehensive set of physical activity concepts including the benefits of physical activity, recommendations across the lifespan, the five components of physical fitness, why doing a variety of physical activity is important, and what being physically active means to you.
(Grades 4-6) UP4It! curriculum encourages youth aged 8-12 to consume nutrient-rich foods and to achieve at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. There are 13 activities and the curriculum can be used during school, after school and with 4-H programs. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum
- (Grades 6-8) EatFit teaches students to set goals to establish the personal health habits appropriate for the changing needs of adolescence. With Eat Fit, students explore and practice the skills necessary for a physically active lifestyle and healthy food choices. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum.
Nutrition Voyage 
(Grades 7-8) Nutrition Voyage: The Quest To Be Our Best is a curriculum developed by the Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Service who invites you to explore new Team Nutrition lessons for grades 7 and 8.
Choice, Control and Change
(Grades 6-12) Choice, Control Change is an inquiry-based science and nutrition curriculum promoting healthy food and activity decisions. Through this curriculum, students learn how biology, the built environment, and personal behaviors impact weight and health. Students collect data about the world around them and their own eating and physical activity behaviors to understand their choices, take control, and make positive changes. MiniCourse
- (Grades 9-12) Healthy eating doesn't have to be confusing! The Mini Course boosts your nutrition, cooking, and healthy living knowledge. Each of the 15 self-paced topics takes 5-10 minutes to complete. Learn how to eat healthy, save money and cook easy, tasty meals. This curriculum can be assigned to high school students to complete in class or if working asynchronously from home.
- Mini Course Guidance
- County Referral Codes for the Mini Course
Hunger Attack!

(Grades 9-12) Hunger Attacks / Money Talks is a curriculum designed to teach teens that the food they buy not only affects the amount of money they spend, but can also affect their health. Virtual education materials are available for this curriculum.
Youth Curriculum Flyers and Program Promotional Flyers
These materials can be downloaded and provided to teachers, schools and agencies to promote CFHL, UC direct education programming. These flyers can be accessed at the following links:
Approved Children's Book Ordering Information
This list provides ordering information for books to be used with specified curriculum.
UC ANR Publications Catalog
- Programs can receive a discount when ordering items from the UC ANR Catalog using this form.
- First order? Call 1-800-994-8849 or 530-400-0725 to setup your account.
- Payment can be made using credit or recharge account number. If using credit card be sure to write "credit card" in the Recharge Field.
- Email completed form to Masie Comtois at