
Town Halls

Town Hall Webinar Information, Presentations and Materials

The CalFresh Healthy Living, University of California State Office holds Town Hall webinars eight times a year. Town Halls are scheduled for the third Tuesday of the month from 12:30 to 1:30 PM. Discussion topics for these meetings typically cover: policy and  procedure, new curriculum roll-outs, program-related issues, and administrative updates. Details are provided in the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC Trainings and Meetings Calendar.

Town Hall Webinar Schedule

Please click on the title of the Town Hall to access recordings and slides.

FFY 2025

February 2025

CFHL, UC Updates, UC ANR Updates, Community Engagement Initiative Overview, and J-TICH Overview 

Presented by Kamaljeet Khaira, Statewide Director, CFHL, UC; Amira Resnick, Statewide Director, Community Nutrition and Health; Kelley Brian, Youth Engagement Project Manager; Cristina Luquin, Community Education Specialist; Kim Soroka, J-TICH Manager and Program Manager, Leah's Pantry; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office. 

January 2025

Programming to Support Equitable Health Outcomes and Fostering Inclusion for Participants with Disabilities Workgroup 

Presented by Katherine Soule, Director of CFHL Health Equity Initiative; Veronica Van Cleave-Hunt, Community Nutrition, Health and Food Security Advisor; Kathleen Carter, Community Education Specialist; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

November 2024

UC ANR Updates, Native American Heritage Month: Sharing Our Collaboration, and Youth as Teachers and County Highlight- Stanislaus and Merced Counties

Presented by Amira Resnick, Statewide Director, Community Nutrition and Health; Shawnice Fisher, Program Supervisor; Noah Cooke, Program Supervisor; Kitty Oppliger, Advisor; Esmeralda Nunez, Community Education Specialist; Arlene Silva, Interim Program Supervisor; Kelley Brian, Youth Engagement Project Manager; Rosalinda Ruiz, Program Supervisor; Victoria Sandoval, Community Education Specialist; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

October 2024

Overview of the CFHL, Health Equity Initiative, including the ASNNA Guiding Principles and National Cooperative Extension Health Equity and Wellbeing Framework

Presented by Katherine Soule, Director of CFHL Health Equity Initiative; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

FFY 2024

September 2024

Refresher - CFHL, UC Guidance on Use of Products and Brand Names in Curriculum and Social Media Orientation (New Staff and Veterans)

Presented by Lyn Brock, CFHL, UC State Office; Tammy McMurdo, CFHL, UC State Office; Doralicia Garay, Social Media Strategist, UC ANR; Daisy Valdez, CFHL, UCCE Social Media Workgroup Lead; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

August 2024

Rethink Your Drink & Not So Sweet Side Campaign, Introduction of Katherine Soule, Ph.D. Director of CFHL Health Equity Initiative, Center for Ecoliteracy: Putting Rethinking Farm to School into Action, and UC ANR Updates

Presented by Erica Eilenberg, CDPH Nutrition & Physical Activity Branch Chief; Kamaljeet Khaira, CFHL, UC Statewide Director; Center for Ecoliteracy: Crystal Whitelaw, Senior Program Manager; Liz Carlton, Program Coordinator; Cindy Hu, Education Program Manager; Amira Resnick, UC ANR Community & Nutrition Statewide Director; Leslie Lipman, UC ANR Business Manager; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

May 2024

Healthy School Food: Thinking Outside the Lunchroom and Center for Ecoliteracy: Introduction to Rethinking Farm to School 

Presented by Anna Jones, CFHL, UC State Office; Liz Carlton, Program Coordinator, California Food for California Kids; Cindy Hu, M.Ed., Education Program Manager; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

March 2024

Physical Activity Initiative and County Highlights- Imperial, San Joaquin, Fresno and Riverside Counties  

Presented by Paul Tabarez, CFHL, UC State Office; Jessica Delgado, CFHL, UCCE Imperial; Annabelle Factura, CFHL, UCCE San Joaquin; Robert Tapia, CFHL, UCCE Fresno; Esmeralda Nunez, CFHL, UCCE Riverside; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.  

February 2024

Garden and Curriculum Initiative and County Highlights- Santa Clara and Alameda Counties 

Presented by Karina Hathorn, CFHL, UC State Office; Tammy McMurdo, CFHL, UC State Office; Daniela Curiel, CFHL, UCCE Santa Clara County; Max Fairbee, CFHL, UCCE Alameda County; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office. 

January 2024

Youth Voice: Exploring the CFHL, UC Youth Engagement Initiative and County Highlights- San Joaquin, Yolo, and Fresno and Madera Counties

Presented by Kelley Brian, CFHL, UC State Office; Brandon Louie, UC Davis Center for Regional Change; Lorena Hoyos, CFHL, UCCE San Joaquin County; Monica Drazba, CFHL, UCCE Yolo County; Jessica Gil-Bautista, CFHL, UCCE Fresno and Madera Counties; Jose Vallejo, CFHL, UCCE Imperial County; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

October 2023

Community-Engaged Farmers Market Study and a County Highlight- El Dorado County: MORE Strategies and Best Practices for Working with and Supporting Participants with Disabilities

Presented by Julia Van Soelen Kim, North Bay Food Systems Advisor; Cailin McLaughlin, CFHL, UCCE Central Sierra; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

FFY 2023

September 2023

UC ANR Recruitment Update, Stanford University's Our Voice: Introduction and Update on CFHL, UC Activities, and a County Highlight-Kern County: Our Voice Project

Presented by Amira Resnick, UC ANR; Audrey McDaniel, UC ANR; Barbara MkNelly, CFHL, UC State Office; Kelley Brian, CFHL, UC State Office; Beatriz Rojas, CFHL, UCCE Kern County: and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

June 2023

All Things Green & Garden, Physical Activity and Gardening, and ANR Conference, Strategic Visioning

Presented by Karina Hathorn, CFHL, UC State Office; Paul Tabarez, CFHL, UC State Office; Amira Resnick, UC ANR; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

May 2023

Summer Workshops: Rethinking Farm to School, Extender Model Best Practices, and CFHL, UC Extender Model Best Practices Guide

Presented by Jezra Thompson, Center for Ecoliteracy; Melanie Alexander & Tammy McMurdo, CFHL, UC State Office; Paul Tabarez, CFHL, UC State Office; Andra Nicoli & Anna Jones, CFHL, UC State Office; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

March 2023

Nutrition Spotlight: Sesame Allergy and Food Labels, Addressing Food Allergies with Recipe Substitutions, and a County Highlight-Butte Cluster: The Great Tomato Challenge

Presented by Anna Jones, CFHL, UC State Office; Lyn Brock & Tammy McMurdo, CFHL, UC State Office; Paul Tabarez, CFHL, UC State Office; Sonya Gonzalez, Community Educator, Butte Cluster; Veronica VanCleave-Hunt, Supervisor, Butte Cluster; Karina Hathorn, CFHL, UC State Office; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

January 2023

Advancing Community Nutrition and Health: Sharing Recent Survey Results, Social Media Updates, and Defining CFHL, UCCE Community Engagement

Presented by Amira Resnick, Director, UC ANR Community Nutrition & Health; Dora Garay, UC ANR Social Media Strategist; the CFHL, UC Community Engagement Workgroup; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

November 2022

YPAR: 3 Models for a Scaffolded Approach, Career Pathways Toolkit, and a County Highlight, Central Sierra: Foothill Indian Education Alliance

Presented by Brandon Louie, Community Engagement Coordinator, UC Davis Center for Regional Change; Paul Tabarez, Physical Activity Manager, CFHL, UC State Office; Alyssa Nelson, Community Engagement Coordinator, UC Davis Center for Regional Change; Cailin McLaughlin, Community and Nutrition Educator, CFHL, UCCE Central Sierra; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

FFY 2022

September 2022

Stanford Our Voice Project in Imperial County, and Creating Dynamic Virtual Engagement: Increasing Participation through Virtual Engagement.

Presented by Chris Wong, CFHL, UCCE Imperial; Alejandro Giron, CFHL, UCCE Central Sierra; Elizabeth Lopez, CFHL, UCCE Fresno/Madera; John Duran, UCCE Fresno/Madera Master Gardener; Elia Medina, Madera Unified School District, Director of Community Services and Parent Resource Centers; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

August 2022

Addressing food and nutrition insecurity through a mobile farmers market: Agricultural Institute of Marin's (AIM) Rollin' Root.

Presented by Andy Naja-Riese, CEO and Karimah Hay, Rollin' Root Manager, Agricultural Institute of Marin (AIM); Chris Wong, CFHL, UCCE Imperial; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

June 2022

Farmer's Market Pilot Results & Future Implications, Smarter Lunchrooms Movement Basics, and a Health & Wellness County Highlight: Imperial.

Presented by Stephanie Carrillo and Emilie McClintic, Public Health Institute; Annabelle Factura, CFHL, UCCE San Joaquin; The Smarter Lunchrooms Movement Workgroup-Anna Jones, CFHL, UC State Office, Tami Sandeen, CFHL, UCCE  Shasta Cluster, Melissa Ussery, CFHL, UCCE Butte Cluster, and Julie Lefko, CFHL, UCCE Santa Clara Cluster.  Also presentations from Chris Wong, CFHL, UCCE Imperial; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

May 2022

Early Childhood Education-Best Practices, and a Health & Wellness County Highlight: Riverside.

Presented by The ECE Workgroup: Tammy McMurdo, CFHL, UC State Office; Tuline Baykal, CFHL, UCCE Alameda; and Rigo Ponce, CFHL, UCCE Imperial.  And presentations from Jackie Barahona, CFHL, UCCE Riverside; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

April 2022

College and Career Pathways Toolkit, Nutrition Corner: Universal School Meals, Increasing Social Media Followers, and a Health & Wellness County Highlight: Butte Cluster

Presented by: Brandon Louie and Alyssa Nelson, UC Davis Center for Regional Change; Jillian Blackwell, CFHL, UCCE Shasta Cluster; Anna Jones, CFHL, UC State Office; Dora Garay, UC ANR; Veronica VanCleave-Hunt CFHL, UCCE Butte Cluster; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

February 2022

Koa Family Program, and a Health & Wellness County Highlight: Kern County

Presented by: Dr. Desiree Backman and Dr. Neal Kohatsu, UC Davis Health: Center for Healthcare Policy and Research; Amber Viveros, CFHL, UCCE Fresno/Madera; Beatriz Rojas, CFHL, UCCE Kern; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

January 2022

Be Physically Active 2Day (BEPA 2.0), and a County Highlight: Yuba County (Butte Cluster) PA-CATCH

Presented by: Dr. Kathy Gunter and Barbara Brody, Oregon State University Extension; Mario Monroy, CFHL, UCCE Shasta Cluster; Conner Thomson, CFHL, UCCE Butte Cluster; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

November 2021

Rethinking Farm to School, and A guide to working with students to generate CFHL, UC + UCCE Social Media Content

Presented by: Alexa Norstad, Director of Programs, Center for Ecoliteracy; Paul Tabarez, CFHL, UC State Office; Rosalinda Ruiz and Jaci Westbrook, CFHL, UCCE Stanislaus/Merced Counties; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

October 2021

CATCH: Social Emotional Learning Journeys, and County Highlight: CFHL, UCCE Shasta Cluster

Presented by: Margot Toppen, VP, Programs CATCH; Shawnice Fisher, Supervisor, CFHL, UCCE Shasta Cluster; and members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

FFY 2021

September 2021

Extender Models in CalFresh Healthy Living, UC: A Best Practices Guide; A Year in Reflection: Challenges & Accomplishments During the COVID-19 Pandemic; A Tribute to Michele Tabor

Presented by: Anna Jones and Andra Nicoli, CFHL, UC State Office; Lindsay Hamasaki, MaryAnn Mills, Barbara MkNelly, CFHL, UC State Office; Jaci Westbrook, CFHL, UCCE Stanislaus/Merced Counties; Shawnice Fisher, CFHL, UCCE Shasta Cluster; Patricia Amezcua, CFHL, UCCE Butte Cluster; Elizabeth Miranda, CFHL, Stanislaus/Merced Counties; UCCE Shannon Klisch, CFHL, UCCE San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara Counties; Rosalinda Ruiz, CFHL, UCCE Stanislaus/Merced Counties; Eldon Bueno, CFHL, UCCE Kings County; Jackie Barahona, CFHL, UCCE Riverside County; Mary Vollinger, CFHL, UCCE Santa Clara Cluster; Nancy Zumkeller, CFHL, UCCE Fresno/Madera Counties; Michele Tabor, and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

August 2021

Our Voice Citizen Science Initiative: A Community Engagement Approach for Assessing and Improving Food and Physical Activity Environments; Understanding Social Media Analytics; Social Media Checklist; and Curriculum Bundles Review and Location

Presented by: Ann Banchoff, Director of Community Engagement, Stanford University, Our Voice Citizen Science Initiative; Michele Tabor, CFHL, UC State Office; Dora Garay, Social Media Strategist, UC ANR; Eldon Bueno, CFHL, UCCE Kings County; Tammy McMurdo, CFHL, UC State Office; Rosalinda Ruiz, CFHL, UCCE Stanislaus/Merced; Itzel Palacios, CFHL, UCCE Riverside County; and other members of the CFHL, UC State Office.

June 2021

California SNAC: COVID Response Nutrition Communications Campaign Toolkit, Promoting Curriculum/Program to Teachers, and Staff Appreciation

Presented by: Amy Delisio, Director, Center for Wellness and Nutrition, Public Health Institute; and other members of the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office.

May 2021

The MyPlate Project: Community-grounded MyPlate Recipes, Staff Plan, Zoom Fatigue (Self-Care), Facilitating a Virtual Networking Table, and the Promotional Materials Survey  

Presented by: Dr. Ann Cheney, UC Riverside School of Medicine, Dept. of Social Medicine Population and Public Health; Maria Pozar, UC Riverside School of Medicine, Dept. of Social Medicine Population and Public Health; Lorena Marroquin, FIND Food Bank; Christina Reaves, Borrego Health; Katie Panarella, UC ANR; Kamal Khaira, CFHL, UC State Office; Miguel Galvan, CFHL, UC State Office; Willow Thorpe, CFHL, UCCE Central Sierra Cluster; Carmela Padilla, CFHL, UCCE Central Sierra Cluster; Itzel Palacios, CFHL, UCCE Riverside; and other members of the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office.

April 2021

The Social Media Journey: Best Practices, UCCE Webpage Updates: San Mateo and San Francisco Counties, UC ANR hiring routing flow for CFHL, UC & more about UC ANR vaccine education, Parent Engagement Workgroup, and Smarter Lunchrooms Movement Workgroup: Harvest of the Month Resources.  

Presented by: Doralicia Garay, UC ANR; Aileen Trujillo, CFHL, UCCE Santa Clara Cluster; Katie Panarella, UC ANR; Kelly Hong, CFHL, UCCE San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara; Patricia Amezcua, CFHL, UCCE Butte Cluster; Jaci Westbrook, CFHL, UCCE Stanislaus/Merced; Julie Lefko, CFHL, UCCE Santa Clara Cluster; Nicole Ogosi, CFHL, UCCE Riverside; and other members of the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office.

February 2021

Social Media Workgroup: Providing an overview of work products and where they are located. Exploring Lesson Kit adaptation for use during COVID-19 with UCCE Shasta Cluster & UCCE San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara Counties.  

Presented by: CFHL, UC Social Media Workgroup: Miguel Galvan, CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office; Rosalinda Ruiz, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Stanislaus/Merced; Daisy Valdez, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Riverside; Max Fairbee, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Alameda; Aileen Trujillo, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Santa Clara Cluster;  and Eldon Bueno, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Tulare/Kings.  Also presentations by Shawnice Sellers, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Shasta Cluster; Kelly Hong, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara; and other members of the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office.

January 2021

Welcome to 2021!  The What, Where, and How of Promoting CalFresh Healthy Living Virtual Education.  PEARS-Adult Distance Learning, Virtual Meeting Guidance for Connecting with Youth, New Youth Evaluation Tools, & the IWP Revision Process Guidance.

Presented by: Kamal Khaira, CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office; Andra Nicoli, CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office; Tammy McMurdo, CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office; Rosalinda Ruiz, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Stanislaus/Merced; Rita Palmer, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Butte Cluster; Maria Gutierrez, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Tulare/Kings; and other members of the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office.

November 2020

Modified Safety Plan Addendum 3 Guidance, Youth Engagement: COVID-19 Activities and Annual Report, CalFresh Healthy Living, UC in Action!-UCCE Shasta, Promotional Materials Workgroup, Garden Workgroup, and Master Gardener Project.

Presented by: Katie Panarella, UC ANR; Brandon Louie, UC Davis Center for Regional Change; Kelley Brian, CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office; Shawnice Sellers, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Shasta Cluster; Rita Palmer, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Butte Cluster; Itzel Palacios, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Riverside County; Katy Munniks, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Central Sierra Cluster; Chris Wong, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Imperial County; MaryAnn Mills, CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office; Aileen Trujillo, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Santa Clara Cluster; and other members of the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office team.

October 2020

Gardening During COVID-San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara Counties, Highlights From the Field! UCCE Central Sierra, Youth Engagement Video Vignettes, and New Evaluation Resources.

Presented by: Abbi Marrs, Educator, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE San Luis Obispo & Santa Barbara Counties; Carmela Padilla, Program Coordinator, and Willow Thorpe, Supervisor, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Central Sierra Cluster; Kelley Brian and other members of the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office team.


FFY 2020

September 2020

FFY20 Annual Report, Website Walks: Youth Engagement & Communications Resources, and Programs in Action: CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE San Luis Obispo.  

Presented by: Members of the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office along with Susan Lafferty, Educator, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Kings County; Emily Dimond, Educator, and Rosa Vargas, Educator, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE San Luis Obispo County.

Hispanic Heritage Month 2020 Honoree: Javier Miramontes, Supervisor, UCCE Fresno County.  Introduction: Laura Vollmer, Advisor, UCCE San Francisco and San Mateo Counties

August 2020

Expanding SNAP at California's Farmers' Markets, Extender Model Implementation: Interviews with Counties, Programs in Action: CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Alameda and Yolo.  And a State Office Update about the PEARS Impact Dashboard.

Presented by: Jenna Fahle, Ecology Center, Farmers' Market Access & Equity Program Manager; Dr. Anna Jones, UC Davis Center for Nutrition in Schools;  Tuline Baykal, Supervisor, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Alameda County; Christie Hedrick, Supervisor, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Yolo County; and members of the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office team.

June 2020

Persuasive and Informative Storytelling (Part 3 of 3), Programs in Action: CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Butte, Fresno/Madera, Kern, San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara, and Imperial

Presented by: Adam Napolitan, Director of Web Communications, UC Davis Strategic Communications; Maria Gutierrez, Nutrition Educator, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Kings/Tulare; Rita Palmer, Supervisor, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Butte County.  Karina Macias, Supervisor; Hannah Lee, Nutrition Educator; Elizabeth Lopez, Nutrition Educator; and Tacu Vang, Nutrition Educator, all of CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Fresno/Madera.  Beatriz Rojas, Supervisor, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Kern; Abbi Mars, Nutrition Educator, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara; Paul Tabaraez, Supervisor, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Imperial; and members of the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office team.

May 2020

SNAP-Ed Updates, Persuasive and Informative Storytelling (Part 2 of 3), FFY19 Physical Activity Data: Highlights & Lessons Learned, and CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Social Media Presence

Presented by: Adam Napolitan, Director of Web Communications, UC Davis Strategic Communications. Kamal Khaira, Director; Angie Keihner, Program and Evaluation Analyst; Michele Byrnes, Physical Activity Manager; and Miguel Galvan, Business Office Assistant, all are a part of the Calfresh Healthy Living, UC State Office.  Rita Palmer, Supervisor, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Butte County; and other members of the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office team.

April 2020

Persuasive and Informative Storytelling, Supporting School Districts During COVID-19, Transitioning between Work Time and Personal Time, and an Update on Reporting COVID-19 Impact in PEARS

Presented by: Adam Napolitan, Director of Web Communications, UC Davis Strategic Communications; Adam Kesselman, Executive Director, Center for Ecoliteracy; Leyla Marandi, Program Manager, Center for Ecoliteracy; Lorena Hoyos, Program Supervisor, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE San Joaquin County; and members of the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office team.

March 2020

COVID-19 Updates: Communications and Resources, Telecommuting and Equipping Staff to Work Remotely

Presented by: Katie Panarella, Director, Nutrition, Family and Consumer Sciences Program & Policy, UC ANR; Kamal Khaira, Director, CalFresh Healthy Living, UC; and other members of the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office team.

January 2020

CalFresh Healthy Living, UC + UC ANR Branding Guide. And a Nutrition Spotlight: Red Meat and Processed Meat Recommendations Explained

Presented by: Linda Forbes, Director, UC ANR Strategic Communications; and Dr. Anna Jones, UC Davis Center for Nutrition in Schools.

November 2019

Engaging with Food Banks on Wellness and Procurement Policies

Presented by: Katie Johnson, Advisor, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Central Sierra; Wylie Skillman, Nutrition Educator, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Central Sierra; Laura Vollmer, Policy Analyst, Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California.

October 2019

Youth Engagement: The FFY 2020-2022 CalFresh Healthy Living, UC Approach

Presented by: Kamaljeet Singh-Khaira, Director, CFHL, UC; Kelley Brian, CFHL, UC State Office; Anne Iaccopucci, Academic Coordinator for Healthy Living UC 4-H State Office; Brandon Louie, Community Engagement Coordinator, UC Davis Center for Regional Change; Paul Tabarez, Community Education Supervisor II, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Imperial County; Chirs Wong, Community Education Specialist II, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Imperial County.


FFY 2019

September 2019

Koa Family: Growing Health, Connection, and Thriving Communities.  And CalFresh Healthy Living & UC ANR: Branding and Communications.

Presented by: Dr. Neal Kohatsu, UC Davis Health, Institute for Population Health Improvement and Center for Healthcare Policy and Research; Linda Forbes, Director, UC ANR Strategic Communications

June 2019

UC Delivers Blog, Research to Improve Physical Education in California Elementary Schools, PA In Your FFY20-22 IWP 

Presented by: Nilofar Gardezi, UC ANR; Hannah Thompson, UC Berkeley School of Public Health; Michele Byrnes, CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office

May 2019

Overview: Site Level Assessment Tools (SLAQs), Farmer's Market Initiative, PA Evaluation Tools

Presented by: Carolyn Rider, Nutrition Policy Institute; Amy DeLisio, Public Health Institute; Angie Keihner, CalFresh Healthy Living, UC State Office

April 2019

UC ANR Master Gardeners, Rethink Your Drink Day, CalFresh Healthy Living Branding Update

Presented by: Missy Gable, UC ANR Master Gardeners, Asbury Jones, CDPH, and Alisa Olson, The Rescue Agency

February 2019

FFY2020-2022 County/Cluster Work Plan Expectations and Deliverables Document

Presented by: UC CalFresh State Office Staff

November 2018

Defining Comprehensive Programming and FY19 Evaluation: New Tools and Objectives

Presented by: UC CalFresh State Office Staff, Highlight Featuring: Shelly Heyes, CDSS, discussing SNAP-Ed LIA Forum Sessions and Speakers

October 2018

PEARS Overview

Presented by: Jennifer Quigley, Barbara MkNelly, and other members of the UC CalFresh State Office


FFY 2018

September 2018

Partnering with Dairy Council

Presented by: Sonia Fernandez Arana & Tracy Mendez, Dairy Council of California; Featuring County Spotlight from Butte County and Santa Clara Counties

August 2018

Fiscal Close Reminders & Curricula Updates

Presented by: UC CalFresh State Office Staff; Featuring County Spotlight from Shasta Cluster

July 2018

Moving from Serving Youth to Engaging Youth

Presented by: Nancy Xiong, UC Davis Center for Regional Change; Metria Munyan, Public Health Institute Center for Wellness and Nutrition, Carmela Padilla and Miranda Capriotti, UCCE Central Sierra, UC CalFresh and William Easlea, UCCE San Mateo/San Francisco, UC CalFresh

June 2018

A Reflection on UC CalFresh and Welcome to the New Director

Presented by David Ginsburg and Kamaljeet Singh-Khaira, UC CalFresh State Office​​

May 2018

Pursuits in Collaboration and Integration Across UC ANR for Deeper Impact

Presented by Katie Panarella and Megan Marotta, UC ANR​​​​

March 2018

PEARS Indirect Activity Module Overview

Presented by UC CalFresh State Office Staff


February 2018

Introduction to Food Waste and California’s Inaugural Food Waste Prevention Week

Presented by Wedi Gosliner, Joyce Lee and UC CalFresh State Office


November 2017

Curriculum Fidelity:  Definitions & Resources

Presented by UC CalFresh State Office Staff


Fruit Juice in Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Current Recommendations


​Town Hall Archives 2016-2017

FFY 2017

FFY 2016