Adult Evaluation Tools
These are the most commonly used Adult evaluation tools in the CalFresh Healthy Living, UC SNAP-Ed.
Creating ID Codes
Instructions for Creating ID Codes for Pre/Post Surveys English/Spanish/Chinese
- Full page ID Code for demonstrations English/Spanish/Chinese
- Step-by-step ID code instructions for in-person survey administration – PowerPoint slides in English and Spanish
- Step-by-step ID code instructions for online survey administration in PEARS – PowerPoint slides in English and Spanish
Adult Taste Testing Tool
Food Behavior Checklist (FBC)
Beginning in FFY22, all SIAs and LIAs are required to use the FBC to evaluate adult nutrition education programming in settings where they are delivering four or more sessions of series-based direct education including Eating Smart Being Active, Eat Healthy Be Active Community Workshops, Eat Smart, Live Strong, MyPlate for My Family, Food Smarts, and, UCCE Connects to You! over at least four weeks. CDSS translated the FBC into additional languages including Arabic, Russian, simplified and traditional Chinese, and Vietnamese. If you want a copy of any CDSS translated FBC surveys, please contact Angie Keihner at the CFHL, UC State Office.
- English
- Spanish
- Instruction Guide
- Administration Protocol
- Training Webinar
- Training PPT Slides
- FBC Surveys in PEARS
Intent to Change (ITC)
Please find the 10 Intent to Change surveys (ITCs) supported by the State Office Evaluation Team and included in PEARS available below. These ITCs focus on different diet, physical activity and food resource management topics and are designed to evaluate single sessions or workshops. Please review the Administration Protocol before collecting ITCs. Then, choose the question(s) that best apply to your single session/workshop. There are two administration options:
- Each half-page ITC survey can be printed as a hard copy two to a sheet and double-sided with the Demographics Data Cards on the back.
- Alternatively, the ITC Surveys in PEARS can be collected online during distance learning using the public survey link or QR code.
Food Groups | Food Labels | Fruit |
List | Meals | Physical Activity - Hours |
Physical Activity - Minutes | Sweet Beverages | Unit Prices |
Plan, Shop, Save & Cook (PSSC) and Making Every Dollar Count (MEDC)
- Pre/Post English
- Pre/Post Spanish
- Pre/Post Chinese
- Administration Protocol
- PSSC Surveys in PEARS
- PSSC PEARS Survey Guide (English, Spanish)
Adult Qualitative Feedback Half Sheet 
The adult qualitative feedback survey was designed to capture valuable narrative responses and quotes to help provide immediate feedback on local programming and for county/cluster teams to include in annual reports and promotional materials. Therefore, there is no data entry burden for staff or survey portals created for data entry.