Coordinated Approach To Child Health Implementation
CATCH Curriculum Reproduction Guidance
To provide clear guidance and reinforce usage requirements for CFHL, UCCE staff on the reproduction of copyrighted CATCH curriculum and support materials.
CATCH Curriculum Reproduction Guidance
CATCH - Program and Curricula
CATCH Program Guide | FFY25 PEARS Reporting Change for CATCH Intervention
CATCH Lesson Planning Template
The CATCH Lesson Planning Template can be utilized by educators and extenders to create their own lesson plans for implementing CATCH PE/ECE. This template provides flexibility to utilize the entire CATCH Activity Boxes when extenders are ready. CES Staff may develop and share CATCH lesson plans to support extenders utilization of the CATCH PE/ECE Activity Boxes.
CATCH Lesson Planning Template
CATCH Pacing Guides
Each CATCH Pacing Guide includes 10 unique lessons derived from the CATCH activity box. The primary goals of the Pacing Guide are to decrease lesson planning and prep time, reduce equipment challenges, and build efficacy among classroom teachers administering PE/PA. Please review the Best Practice document before administering the Pacing Guide.
CATCH PE 3-5 Grade Pacing Guide
CATCH PE K-2 Grade Pacing Guide
CATCH ECE Pacing Guide
CATCH Trainings
The CATCH PE 3-5 Grade Pacing Guide Webinar
A 10 minute introduction to the Pacing Guide including how to use it, a detailed description of its components, and tips on implementation.
CATCH Global Webinar July 2019
CATCH in your IWP, SEL, Best Practices, and CATCH Evaluation
Presented by: John Krampitz, CATCH Global Foundation; Michele Byrnes, CFHL, UC; and Angie Keihner, CFHL, UC
Walking Resources
The CFHL, UC State Office has provided an adult and youth step tracker in both English and Spanish in order to be used with pedometers and/or support other walking programs administered. Counties can add pictures and title of the walking program, but template should remain the same.
Adult Step Tracker
Youth Step Tracker 
CalFresh Health Living, UC Stencil Projects
- Goals of Playground Stencils
- How to Complete a Playground Stencil Project Webinar Recording
- Stencil Art Activities: A Grown Ups Guide
- How-To-Stencil Guide
- Step by step instructions
- Stencil Project Checklist
- 10 Tips for a Successful Stencil Project
Required Forms For Stencil and Mural Projects
- CalFresh Healthy Living, UC Mural and/or Stencil Project Request Form and Estimated Cost Worksheet
- Contractor Scope of Work (SOW) Questionnaire (required only if working with a contractor)
How to use CATCH Activities with Playground Stencils
These resources will help educators and teachers combine CATCH activities with playground stencils, making CATCH more engaging and minimize the need for equipment, helping to add structured physical activity to the use of stencils.
Evaluation Resources
Click the link above for the recommended evaluation tools.
National Resources
- 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
- CDC Physical Activity
- CDC Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP)
- SNAP-Ed Toolkit Physical Activity
- National Physical Activity Plan
- National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD)
- Surgeon Generals Call to Action: Step It Up!
- American Heart Association (AHA) Physical Activity
- Action for Healthy Kids Active Schools - resources, grants, research
- CDC Healthy Schools – PE & PA webpage
- Increasing PE & PA: A Framework for Schools 2017 – resources for staff, community and family engagement
SNAP-Ed Resources
- CA SNAP-ED Physical Activity Resource Guide 2nd Ed
- Early Care and Education PA Activity Tool Kit
- Champions for Change Be Active
- PSE Resource Guide
- SNAP-Ed Connection Physical Activity
- Joint/Shared Use
- Everyday PA Guide from the National Institute on Aging
- PA Break and Active Recess Resource List
School Site: This infographic is showcasing some of the activities that would commonly be delivered at a school site in order to increase opportunity for physical activity.
Community Site: This infographic is showcasing some the activities that would commonly be delivered at a community site in order to increase opportunity for physical activity.
The Exercise Snack infographics for youth and adults promote the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and align with its promotional campaign Move Your Way®.